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Applications are open for the Royal Society Pairing Scheme 

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Civil Service applications are now open until 6 November 2024

What is the Royal Society Pairing Scheme?

The Royal Society Pairing Scheme is a long-standing collaboration between the Government Science & Engineering (GSE) Profession and The Royal Society. Each year 30 research scientists and engineers are paired with UK parliamentarians and civil servants for one week.

The scheme aims to upskill policy makers on how best to work with scientists outside of government. Next year, the scheme will be taking place between 17 and 20 March 2025. 

Professor Dame Angela McLean speaking at the Royal Society Pairing scheme in 2024.

The scheme has the support of the Head of GSE, and the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Dame Angela McLean: 

“The Royal Society Pairing Scheme is a great opportunity for civil servants and talented UK scientists to experience each other’s worlds and ensure that Government is empowered by the best scientific evidence. Apply now”  

Professor Dame Angela McLean speaking at the Royal Society Pairing scheme in 2024.

What is involved?

Participants attend workshops, a parliamentary reception, and other events. Civil servants will be shadowed by scientists for two days to provide insight into government roles, and they’ll also visit the scientists' institutions.

Panel presentation session on the GSE day from the Royal Society Pairing scheme in 2024

Who can apply?

The Royal Society Pairing scheme is aimed at a wide range of career stages, and civil servants are matched to scientists based on their expertise, interest and career stage.

Royal Society scientists are matched with engaging civil servants who work in a policy area that matches one of the scientists' fields of study.

To be eligible for the scheme you must: 

  • Be a civil servant of grade SEO and above. We are able to make some exceptions, so if you are an HEO grade and feel the scheme would be a good fit for you, then please contact directly.
  • Available on all four days of the scheme between 17 and 20 March 2025.  
  • Be able to attend all organised events as well as able to organise engaging events for the scientists during the shadowing days. 
  • Travel and stay in London for the duration of the scheme.  
  • Agree line manager approval prior to submitting your application. 
  • Ideally have access to a HQ in London for shadowing activities. 

Please note, you can contact the GSE Profession Team for support in arranging a suitable working location if you do not have access to a London office.  

Apply now

Why get involved?  

Past participant Eunice Wong, shares her thoughts on the experience: 

“The experience deepened my understanding of how science and policy overlap in different ways. I identified the importance for us as policy makers to communicate with scientists from all different levels.”

You can read more in her blog about her experiences on the scheme.

Past participants Eunice Wong and Dr Georgina Starling

Key Dates 

  • Applications open – Wednesday 25 September 2025 
  • Applications close – Wednesday 6 November 2025

If you’re interested in applyingplease fill out the application form. If you would like more information on the scheme, please contact  

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