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Our Governance

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GSE Heads of Science and Engineering Profession (HoSEP) agreed new governance arrangements in February 2022 to improve the strategic oversight and delivery of the GSE Profession (GSEP) Strategy.

Our structure has been developed through wide consultation with our members, HoSEPs, and wider professional networks. We have designed our structure to ensure:

  • effective decision making,
  • efficient delivery,
  • inclusive routes for members to contribute,
  • strong partnerships with HoSEP support teams, and
  • smooth communication.

Our leaders - departments and organisations have a Head of Science and Engineering Profession (HoSEP) and a support team that focus on building science and engineering capability within their organisation.

How decisions are made - we have two decision-making Boards chaired by our Head of Profession, Dame Angela McLean, Government Chief Scientific Adviser:

  • The GSEP Strategic Board attended by HoSEPs representing government departments. The Board focuses on shaping the future direction of the GSE Profession’s priorities and aims, ensuring we are fully embedded into government-wide agendas.
  • The GSEP Project Board attended by HoSEPs and their representatives across departments and public sector bodies/agencies. The Board focuses on tracking delivery and measuring success on delivering projects related to the GSEP Strategy.

How to get involved - below are a couple of ways to get more involved in the Profession:

  • Attend our monthly GSEP Community of practice meetings for members and our stakeholders. You will hear what is being discussed at GSE Boards, about new products, and how you can get more involved in the Profession. Joining details for this meeting are released each month in the GSE newsletter.
  • Suggest science and engineering capability projects that you think government should be addressing and you would like to deliver. More guidance, along with the project proposal form is available on our Knowledge Hub, or can be accessed by emailing
  • Become a GSE Champion within your organisation. Get in contact with and we can link to your organisational point of contact who runs your champion scheme.

Ongoing work - we are currently engaging with our members to strategically engage and promote the Profession with public sector bodies and agencies.

If you are a member of the GSE Profession and would be interested in contributing to this work through the GSE Public Sector Engagement T&F group, please express your interest to:

All terms of references are available upon request for GSE members by contacting

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