Blog Series
Are you in a role that requires a high level of science or engineering training in a specific area? Do you use this deep specialist knowledge and experience daily? If so, then we need your skills and experience as …
The Analysis Function has launched the fourth Analysis in Government Awards (AiG Awards), which recognise and celebrate the excellent analytical work being done across government. The AiG team are welcoming nominations which reflect the range of work completed by analysts …
October is Black History Month, which has the theme of 'Celebrating our Sisters'. In this blog, we hear from two of our GSE members: Matimba and Josephine. Matimba Swana shares the impact she has made, and what she has recently …
National Engineering Day takes place on 1 November; an event which focuses on promoting the world-shaping work that engineers do and encourages more young people, from all backgrounds, to consider a career in engineering. It aims to remind everyone that …
The Royal Society of Biology’s Biology Week aims to raise the profile of innovations in biology and celebrate the important work that biologists are doing across this incredibly broad field. To celebrate the week, Government Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Dame …
GSE Professional Recognition Week The GSE Professional Recognition Week has come to an end, thank you so much to all who attended. Professional Recognition Week provided a space to introduce the GSE Professional Recognition Offer to our GSE Members who …
Society faces many challenges which science can help solve. The Covid-19 crisis in particular highlighted the essential role of scientists and engineers in improving the quality of government decisions, to ensure scientific evidence underpins policy and that it is effectively communicated. …
The 16 to 20 October marks the Royal Society of Biology’s (RSB) Biology Week, which aims to celebrate and raise the profile of the innovative work that bio-scientists across the world are doing every day to overcome some of our …
October 2023 marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is focused on spreading awareness and access to resources to support people living with cancer. Macmillan.Org.UK has information devoted to education and the importance of early detection, to assist people at every …
Mentoring and peer support programmes help you to identify and build on your strengths, reflect on your career journey and develop your skills. The GSE Profession has five different mentoring and peer support offers. Use the summaries below to find …