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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Importing the GSE into DIT

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The GSE Champions within the new Department for International Trade (DIT) are working to develop an active community of scientists and engineers.

It’s a very exciting time to be within the GSE network in DIT. As an emerging department it is important groups like the GSE network are established early, for the very real benefits a community like this can bring as a support network and source of further professional development.

There is a real need for GSE in DIT

Having a science or engineering background brings with it an array of analytical skills, knowledge of how to interpret and use evidence correctly and the ability to understand complicated issues to a high degree of depth. These skills are needed in the Department.

There are very few aspects of international trade that have no science or engineering underpinning them. Whether it’s determination of tariffs on different alloys of steel, developing a strategy for trade negotiations on agriculture and Genetically Modified Orangisms (GMOs), or the technical knowledge used in the application of export controls, these disciplines are essential to DIT.

There is a need for an assessment of the science and engineering capability and requirements of the Department. How do we develop mechanisms to get the best scientific and engineering advice into trade negotiations when needed?  How do we perform effective horizon scanning for future trade in a changing technological landscape? How do we ensure scientists and engineers working in the Department get the right training and make the most of their skills?

A brand new GSE logo for a brand new department!

Building a community from the bottom up

As GSE champions in DIT we are trying to identify the scientists and engineers within the Department, civil servants with an interest in these disciplines, or anyone working in trade with a need to engage with science and engineering.

We hope what we're doing can give other departmental champions ideas on building and strengthening their GSE communities.

We have a team of champions ready to promote and assist in the development of the GSE network within the Department.

We have prepared a newsletter for the new community.

We will be organising our first meet and greet in the next few weeks (open to all!).

A bottom-up community is emerging within the Department. As we try and grow this community we want you to get involved as much as possible. If you have ideas, get in touch!  We want to develop a GSE community open to everyone, appreciated by all. We need your help to achieve this. Engage with us and let’s make the GSE network have a positive impact in the new department.

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  1. Comment by Thomas Vincent posted on

    It looks like the GSE is coming together in DiT, I'd like to get involved in something similar in my department.