Meet GSE’s new Head of Geography

David Wood (@GovHeadGeog), the new pan-government Head of Geography, talks geography, government and GSE.
David Wood (@GovHeadGeog), the new pan-government Head of Geography, talks geography, government and GSE.
Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of GSE profession for Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), highlights the importance of government and the research community working together.
Are you a civil, crown or public servant with a background or interest in science and engineering? Join the GSE profession!
Andrew Curran, Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of GSE profession for the Health and Safely Executive, shares his pleasing problem.
Sir Mark Walport, welcomes new departments to the GSE Profession Board, provides a progress update on the Strategy and makes an important announcement about his future as the Head of the Government Science & Engineering profession.