Meet GSE’s new Head of Geography

David Wood (@GovHeadGeog), the new pan-government Head of Geography, talks geography, government and GSE.
David Wood (@GovHeadGeog), the new pan-government Head of Geography, talks geography, government and GSE.
Government Science & Engineering Fast Streamers, Dan Meeson and Fraeya Whiffin, share their experiences as GSE champions on organising a cross government networking event.
What might research in 2035 look like? The Royal Society is inviting GSE members to get involved and have their say on the future of research culture.
Astronomy PhD student Robert Pomohaci, gets starry eyed over his 3 months as a RCUK policy intern at the Government Office for Science.
Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of GSE profession for Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), highlights the importance of government and the research community working together.
Dr Rita Gardner, Director of the Royal Geographical Society, and Jon Pickstone, Chair of the Central Government Geographers Group, welcome Sir Mark Walport’s announcement that a new pan-government Head of Geography will operate under the GSE umbrella.