Youth Engagement – Science for the future, for all

Michael Rignall, from the Public Engagement with Science team in BEIS, talks about his team’s work and the importance of reaching out to young people to build their enthusiasm about STEM.
Michael Rignall, from the Public Engagement with Science team in BEIS, talks about his team’s work and the importance of reaching out to young people to build their enthusiasm about STEM.
This blog post is a collection of vacancies, events and learning and development opportunities for people working in Government Science and Engineering.
Simon Kippin, GSE Champion in Air Command of the Ministry of Defence, talks about showcasing the importance of STEM in the Royal Air Force.
The latest of our blogs celebrating International Women’s Day and British Science Week, we hear from Roulin Khondoker, a GSE Champion in Defra, on her passion for encouraging science & engineering engagement.
Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of GSE profession for Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), highlights the importance of government and the research community working together.
Sir Mark Walport reflects upon the positive progress being made on the GSE Strategy, and he unveils a new video animation for the profession, which seeks to answer the question: what’s in it for me?
This week is British Science Week. NPL’s Outreach Manager and GSE Member Andrew Hanson, tells us how encouraging science participation is not just his day job but a full-time occupation.